Can Alipay be used for payment at Chateraise?


We deliver premium sweets made with the finest ingredients at affordable prices directly from our factory to customers nationwide.


Chateraise Official Site


Alipay, the most popular payment app among Chinese consumers, is easy to adopt

Alipay Official Site

Can I use Alipay at Chateraise ?

Well, Alipay is acceptable at Chateraise ?

Use of Alipay at Chateraise depends on the store.

What payment can I use to pay at Chateraise ?

These are acceptable payments at Chateraise.'Depends on store' means may be not availabe due to store's terminal compatibility or other reasons.

* Almost of stores accept cash - Japanese Yen, However foreign currencies are not accepted.

Suica, PASMO, ICOCA Avilable
Rakuten Edy Avilable
nanaco Avilable
waon Avilable
iD Avilable
QUICPay Avilable
ANA Pay ANA Pay Avilable
PayPay Depends on store
Dpay Depends on store
aupay auPay Depends on store
Merpay Depends on store
RakutenPay Depends on store
LINEpay Depends on store
Alipay Depends on store
WeChatPay Depends on store
Visa contactless Depends on store
Master contactless Depends on store
Amex contactless Depends on store
JCB contactless Depends on store
Credit Card n/a
YuchoPay n/a
Unionpay n/a
RakutenPoint n/a
dPoint n/a
Tpoint n/a
Ponta n/a
famiPay n/a

Chateraise acceptance chart

At Chateraise,eMoney is/are usefull.
CreditCard・Point will be hard to use.

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* Information on this site is not a guarantee of availability. Please contact each store for availability.