Can Amex contactless be used for payment at Avail?


Avail is a specialty store that offers total coordination of casual fashion centering on jeans and the latest trend fashions down to the feet.

Avail Official Site

Amex contactless

There is no need to hand over the card or enter a PIN. Since payment is completed contactlessly, both the customer and the store can rest assured.

Amex contactless Official Site

Can I use Amex contactless at Avail ?

Well, Amex contactless is acceptable at Avail ?

Cannot use Amex contactless in Avail.

What payment can I use to pay at Avail ?

These are acceptable payments at Avail.'Depends on store' means may be not availabe due to store's terminal compatibility or other reasons.

Credit Card Avilable
Suica, PASMO, ICOCA Avilable
Rakuten Edy Avilable
nanaco Avilable
waon Avilable
iD Avilable
QUICPay Avilable
Visa contactless Avilable
ANA Pay ANA Pay Avilable
PayPay n/a
Dpay n/a
aupay auPay n/a
Merpay n/a
RakutenPay n/a
LINEpay n/a
YuchoPay n/a
Alipay n/a
WeChatPay n/a
Unionpay n/a
Master contactless n/a
Amex contactless n/a
JCB contactless n/a
RakutenPoint n/a
dPoint n/a
Tpoint n/a
Ponta n/a
famiPay n/a

Avail acceptance chart

At Avail,eMoney is/are usefull.
QRcode・Point will be hard to use.

Tweets reviews Avail

No tweets yet.

See other Clothing

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* Information on this site is not a guarantee of availability. Please contact each store for availability.