Can Rakuten Edy be used for payment at SevenEleven?


We always strive to provide safe and secure products by focusing on all processes of product procurement, manufacturing, and delivery in order to deliver delicious food.


SevenEleven Official Site

Rakuten Edy

Rakuten Edy is electronic money that you can use to pay for your purchases. If you have a mobile wallet, you can download the Rakuten Edy application.

Rakuten Edy Official Site

Can I use Rakuten Edy at SevenEleven ?

Well, Rakuten Edy is acceptable at SevenEleven ?

At SevenEleven, Rakuten Edy is AVAILABLE.

What payment can I use to pay at SevenEleven ?

These are acceptable payments at SevenEleven.'Depends on store' means may be not availabe due to store's terminal compatibility or other reasons.

* Almost of stores accept cash - Japanese Yen, However foreign currencies are not accepted.

Credit Card Avilable
PayPay Avilable
Dpay Avilable
aupay auPay Avilable
Merpay Avilable
RakutenPay Avilable
LINEpay Avilable
Suica, PASMO, ICOCA Avilable
Rakuten Edy Avilable
nanaco Avilable
iD Avilable
QUICPay Avilable
YuchoPay Avilable
Alipay Avilable
WeChatPay Avilable
Unionpay Avilable
Visa contactless Avilable
Master contactless Avilable
Amex contactless Avilable
JCB contactless Avilable
dPoint Avilable
famiPay Avilable
ANA Pay ANA Pay Avilable
waon n/a
RakutenPoint n/a
Tpoint n/a
Ponta n/a

SevenEleven acceptance chart

At SevenEleven,CreditCard・QRcode・eMoney・Contactless is/are usefull.

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* Information on this site is not a guarantee of availability. Please contact each store for availability.