Can famiPay be used for payment at Lawson?
We make "a town where people live together" happy.Our goal is to be the "Hot" station of the community.
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Can I use famiPay at Lawson ?
Well, famiPay is acceptable at Lawson ?
At Lawson,
famiPay is AVAILABLE.
What payment can I use to pay at Lawson ?
These are acceptable payments at Lawson.'Depends on store' means may be not availabe due to store's terminal compatibility or other reasons.
* Almost of stores accept cash - Japanese Yen, However foreign currencies are not accepted.
Payment | |
Credit Card | Avilable |
PayPay | Avilable |
Dpay | Avilable |
auPay | Avilable |
Merpay | Avilable |
RakutenPay | Avilable |
LINEpay | Avilable |
Suica, PASMO, ICOCA | Avilable |
Rakuten Edy | Avilable |
waon | Avilable |
iD | Avilable |
QUICPay | Avilable |
YuchoPay | Avilable |
Alipay | Avilable |
WeChatPay | Avilable |
Unionpay | Avilable |
Visa contactless | Avilable |
Master contactless | Avilable |
Amex contactless | Avilable |
JCB contactless | Avilable |
dPoint | Avilable |
Ponta | Avilable |
famiPay | Avilable |
ANA Pay | Avilable |
nanaco | n/a |
RakutenPoint | n/a |
Tpoint | n/a |
Lawson acceptance chart
At Lawson,CreditCard・QRcode・eMoney・Contactless is/are usefull.
Tweets reviews Lawson
ローソンでFamiPay、確かに使えた。Smart Codeのことあまり認識していなかったけど、決済業者・対応店舗双方の網を広げることで、こういう面白い副作用が起きるのね。
— 観楓 (@kan_puu) April 22, 2021
#ファミペイ #FamiPay がローソンで使えた!!!(笑)
— 斜め上カエル@いつもハイシーズン (@takue231) October 9, 2020
See other ConvenienceStore
SevenEleven Familymart Ministop Seicomart DailyYamazaki NewDays Poplar
* Information on this site is not a guarantee of availability. Please contact each store for availability.