Can RakutenPay be used for payment at GyomuSuper?
Professionals and general customers are welcome! This is the website of business supermarket. With the concept of "Everyday is a bargain", we offer foodstuffs directly imported from all over the world and original products from our own factories in Japan.
The Rakuten Pay app is the No. 1 QR code payment service you want to keep using if you want to pay with your smartphone. Rakuten Pay is a service that allows you to easily make payments with the app and Rakuten ID. You can easily make payments with just one phone for shopping in town and with Rakuten ID for online shopping. Of course, you can also use Rakuten Points to make your daily shopping more convenient and economical.
Can I use RakutenPay at GyomuSuper ?
Well, RakutenPay is acceptable at GyomuSuper ?
What payment can I use to pay at GyomuSuper ?
These are acceptable payments at GyomuSuper.'Depends on store' means may be not availabe due to store's terminal compatibility or other reasons.
* Almost of stores accept cash - Japanese Yen, However foreign currencies are not accepted.
Payment | |
Credit Card | Avilable |
Suica, PASMO, ICOCA | Avilable |
Rakuten Edy | Avilable |
iD | Avilable |
QUICPay | Avilable |
Unionpay | Avilable |
ANA Pay | Avilable |
PayPay | Depends on store |
RakutenPay | Depends on store |
nanaco | Depends on store |
Dpay | n/a |
auPay | n/a |
Merpay | n/a |
LINEpay | n/a |
waon | n/a |
YuchoPay | n/a |
Alipay | n/a |
WeChatPay | n/a |
Visa contactless | n/a |
Master contactless | n/a |
Amex contactless | n/a |
JCB contactless | n/a |
RakutenPoint | n/a |
dPoint | n/a |
Tpoint | n/a |
Ponta | n/a |
famiPay | n/a |
GyomuSuper acceptance chart
eMoney may be not accepted.
QRcode・Contactless・Point will be hard to use.
Tweets reviews GyomuSuper
— ののこsummer🍣 (@0721_yasuko) February 23, 2022
生鮮食品とかも売ってるとこで、白菜とかいつものマックバリューのやーつより1.3倍くらいデカくて値段も安かったので良かったわ( ^ω^ )
楽天payも使えたので2末で切れるポイントで買えました( ^ω^ )