Can YuchoPay be used for payment at GooglePlay?


Google Play is a digital content store for Android devices provided by Google. You can download or purchase apps, games, music, movies, and e-books.

GooglePlay Official Site


Just by reading the code, you can make a payment easily. You can use the code to pay for purchases at stores, food and beverages, as well as utility bills and other payments with a payment slip*. In addition, you can check your account balance.

YuchoPay Official Site

Can I use YuchoPay at GooglePlay ?

Well, YuchoPay is acceptable at GooglePlay ?

Cannot use YuchoPay in GooglePlay.

What payment can I use to pay at GooglePlay ?

These are acceptable payments at GooglePlay.'Depends on store' means may be not availabe due to store's terminal compatibility or other reasons.

Credit Card Avilable
aupay auPay Avilable
Merpay Avilable
Rakuten Edy Avilable
PayPay n/a
Dpay n/a
RakutenPay n/a
LINEpay n/a
Suica, PASMO, ICOCA n/a
nanaco n/a
waon n/a
iD n/a
QUICPay n/a
YuchoPay n/a
Alipay n/a
WeChatPay n/a
Unionpay n/a
RakutenPoint n/a
dPoint n/a
Tpoint n/a
Ponta n/a
famiPay n/a